About Us
1. Silhouette surveillance Ltd is fully committed to complying with the Human Rights Act 1998 (HRA) and the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000
(RIPA). To ensure compliance, all covert surveillance carried out by Silhouette surveillance Ltd is deemed as (Directed surveillance) and is legitimate and proportionate to the specific case.
a) Directed Surveillance is covert, but not intrusive and is undertaken for the purposes of a specific investigation or operation and involving the observation of a person or persons in order to gather information about them.
b) Covert Surveillance is surveillance that is carried out in a manner to ensure that the persons subject to the surveillance are unaware that it is or may be taking place.
c) Proportionate Surveillance is a measure or action and is deemed proportionate if it: Impairs as little as possible the rights and freedoms of the individual concerned and of innocent third parties. It is carefully designed to meet the objectives in question, is not arbitrary, unfair or based on irrational considerations.
2. Silhouette surveillance Ltd is fully conversant and compliant with the Human Rights Act 1998 article 8 (1) in that everyone has the right to respect for private and family life, home and correspondence.
3. There shall be no interference by Silhouette surveillance Ltd with the exercise of this right in accordance with article 8(1) of the Human Rights Act 1998. Silhouette Surveillance Ltd will conduct directed covert surveillance in accordance with the law, necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security, public safety or the economic well-being of the country, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others article 8(2) of the Human Rights Act 1998.
4. All due care is taken by Silhouette surveillance Ltd to limit the risk of intrusion into the privacy of persons other than those who are directly the subjects of the investigation or surveillance operation (collateral intrusion).
5. During a period of covert surveillance all recorded material or information collected is stored and transported securely with restricted access.
6. Where the product of surveillance is relevant to pending or future criminal or civil proceedings, all surveillance logs and original SD Cards are retained in accordance with established disclosure requirements for a suitable further period, commensurate to any subsequent review.
7. All SD Cards and audio-tapes are identified uniquely with a register being kept of all video tapes, controlling the period of time they are retained.
8. All covert surveillance conducted by Silhouette surveillance Ltd undergoes detailed consideration of the insurance and health and safety implications involved with the necessary precautions and insurance being put in place.